The Therapies for Mental Health: How to find a Psychologist in Abilene

Whether you’re struggling with an undiagnosed mental illness, everyday life stresses or relationship issues, as well as another emotional or mental health problem, deciding to seek out therapy could be an important step towards prioritizing taking care of mental health and well-being.

What Is Therapy for Mental Health?

Therapy is a general term in the field of mental health treatment that consists of speaking with a psychiatrist, psychologist, or other mental health provider.

Therapy for emotional and mental wellbeing is a non-judgmental welcoming space that allows you to share your thoughts with an experienced mental health practitioner who is honest, impartial, and nonjudgmental. Although the majority of therapy is focused on individuals, it can also involve working with families, couples or groups.

What are the various Types of Mental Health Therapy?

Mental health professionals utilize an array of scientifically-proven therapies and techniques they’re taught to assist their patients. Some are better than others in managing specific illnesses and conditions typically practitioners will employ a combination of techniques.

Some typical research-based methods that you’ll encounter include:

  • Supportive psychotherapyThis is one of the most widely used kinds of therapy that that therapists use. It is designed to alleviate symptoms and emotional stress by emphasizing reassurance, reeducation, recommendations, and motivation for good behaviour.
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) CBT is an extremely popular type of therapy that is focused on helping you recognize of negative or inaccurate mental thinking, so you can think about the situation more clearly and react to your challenges in a more healthy way. They often assign their clients homework after sessions to work on their behavior or to develop new ways of thinking about whatever they’re facing.
  • Psychodynamic psychotherapyIn psychodynamic therapy, Psychologist and client talk about negative patterns of behavior and emotional states that stem from past experiences with the goal of resolving these issues. The Psychologist you have is helping you comprehend how your subconscious beliefs are impacting your thoughts and behavior.
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)DBT is heavily inspired by CBT, with a few exceptions. CBT concentrates on understanding the connection between emotions, thoughts, and behaviours, whereas DBT concentrates on dealing with distressing or uncomfortable thoughts and feelings. It also puts more an emphasis on behavior change, or working on skills for overcoming negative behavior patterns.
  • Exposure therapyExposure therapy is a subset of CBT. It’s employed to treat obsessional-compulsive disorder, panic disordersocial anxiety disorderPTSD and phobias like fear that of going out on a trip or fear of flying. During treatment patients are paired by using a Psychologist discover their triggers and develop methods to overcome their fears , through gradual exposure to them in a safe environment.
  • Mindfulness-based therapies (MBT)MBT helps patients prioritize their present thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations and the surrounding environment in the hope of being open, mindful, willing, and understanding.
  • Eye treatment for movement desensitization (EMDR)EMDR is used to treat PTSD, with research suggesting it has the potential to reduce emotional stress that comes from traumatic memories.
  • Therapy for couples and familiesFamily therapy is a method of therapy that helps family members improve their communication skills and deal with conflicts. It’s often short-term, provided by a psychologist or clinical social worker or a licensed therapy.
  • Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)TMS is a non-invasive procedure that utilizes electromagnetic fields that stimulate the nerves in the brain. It can improve the symptoms associated with depression.

Does therapy work? Here’s What the Science Says

Research suggests talk therapy for mental and emotional well-being can help in a big way.

In an analysis of 270 studies that examined whether psychotherapy is effective for patients suffering from depression Researchers concluded that it was effective and, in some instances, higher than other types of treatment.

A meta-analysis that was large of psychodynamic treatment showed that over time, this kind of therapy for talk therapy has helped patients suffering from depression and those suffering from social anxiety and social phobias.

How Can I Tell If I’m in need of therapy?

Therapy is used to address mental health problems, including:

  • Anxiety disorders include PTSD, OCD and phobias. They can also be a trigger for panic disorder
  • Mood disorders, such as depression and bipolar disorder
  • Addiction, alcohol dependence disorder, other substance use disorders, as well as gambling disorder
  • A eating disorder, such as anorexia or bulimia
  • Personality disorders, including borderline personality disorder
  • Schizophrenia along with other disorders that cause a disconnect from reality

But you don’t need to be diagnosed with a mental health diagnosis to seek out therapy and seeking out therapy doesn’t mean that you have an illness or a disorder.

Other than mental illness, some other reasons to seek therapy include:

  • Chronic illness, death or loss of a loved one in the family
  • Financial issues, job loss or difficulties in the workplace
  • Relationship stress, including trying to make a marriage work, caring for youngsters or aging parents and managing friends
  • Everyday stresses that are taking over you or causing your life to be out of balance
  • Recovering from physical or sexual abuse , witnessing violence or the trauma of an event
  • Cope with sexual difficulties regardless of whether they’re caused by physical or psychological reasons

Anyone who pursues therapy may encounter:

  • Feel more resilient in the face of obstacles
  • Change the behaviors that are holding them back
  • Take a look at the ways in which they think which affect how they feel or behave
  • Find relief from pain of the past
  • Build relationship skills
  • Establish goals
  • Strengthen their self-confidence
  • You should be able to handle emotions that are strong, such as grief, fear or anger
  • Increase their problem-solving skills

Therapy can help anyone who feels like they’re not coping with life’s stressors on their by themselves, Linde says. Therapy may be a suitable first step when emotional concerns or difficulties are interfering heavily (and frequently) in daily routines and tasks like work, school or household chores. Find the best suited Psychologist for you in Texas, Abilene.

mental health