Columbia Banking System Inc (NASDAQ:COLB) EVP Sells $122,043.86 in Stock

Columbia Banking System Inc (NASDAQ:COLB) evp andy mcdonald sold 3,481 shares of Columbia Banking System stock in a transaction dated Tuesday, June 11th. The stock was sold at an average price of $35.06, for a total transaction of $122,043.86.

Columbia Banking System Inc (NASDAQ:COLB) EVP Andy Mcdonald sold 3,481 shares of Columbia Banking System stock in a transaction dated Tuesday, June 11th. The stock was sold at an average price of $35.06, for a total transaction of $122,043.86.

What’s inside? Within our up-to-date Columbia Banking System Inc (colb) stock research report you will find a host of valuable data points and information to help you understand this stock. From analyst recommendations to any dividend declarations, earnings announcements, or insider trades, you’ll be able to get the big picture for Columbia Banking System Inc (COLB).

Columbia banking system (nasdaq:colb) stock Rating Lowered by ValuEngine Posted by Anthony Miller | Jul 6th, 2019 ValuEngine lowered shares of Columbia Banking System (NASDAQ:COLB) from a hold rating to a sell rating in a report issued on Tuesday morning, ValuEngine reports.

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Moody Aldrich Partners LLC lifted its stake in Columbia Banking System Inc (NASDAQ:COLB) by 2.7% in the 2nd quarter, according to its most recent filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

– Columbia Banking System Inc (NASDAQ:COLB) evp andy mcdonald sold 3,481 shares of Columbia Banking System stock in a transaction dated Tuesday, June 11th. The stock was sold at an average price of $35.06, for a total transaction of $122,043.86.

Zacks Investment Research raised shares of Columbia Banking System from a "sell" rating to a. at an average price of $35.06, for a total transaction of $122,043.86.. executive vice president now owns 36,264 shares of the company’s. Columbia Banking System Inc (NASDAQ:COLB) EVP Sells $122,043.86 in Stock. Posted by Clark Linder on Jul 6th, 2019.

Analysts expect Columbia Banking System Inc (NASDAQ:COLB) to report $147.22 million in sales for the current quarter, according to Zacks. Three analysts have issued estimates for Columbia Banking System’s earnings, with the lowest sales estimate coming in at $146.05 million and the highest estimate coming in at $149.10 million.

Shares of Columbia Banking System Inc (NASDAQ:COLB) have been given a consensus rating of "Hold" by the eight research firms that are currently covering the stock, Marketbeat Ratings reports. Five analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating and three have assigned a buy rating to the company.